PERB Documents

Academic workers’ 2024 Stand Up Strike has generated a growing body of legal documentation, which will be made available as events develop along with a rough timeline of events at the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB).

On May 21, UC Administration asked PERB for injunctive relief against academic workers’ Stand Up Strike.

Our union filed a position statement against a possible injunction, including a statement by UAW 4811 President Rafael Jaime.

On May 23, PERB denied UC’s request for injunctive relief. PERB also filed a complaint against our union, setting up a settlement conference between our union and UC.

On May 29, UC filed new evidence as part of their ongoing request for injunctive relief against our union. This included a statement from UCLA Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Darnell Hunt, statements from four other UC officials, and a set of supporting evidence.

On May 30, our union filed a second position statement and a supplemental statement by President Jaime in response to UC’s continued attempts to gain injunctive relief.

On May 31, UC filed a third set of supporting evidence as part of their ongoing request for injunctive relief, including a statement from UCLA Labor Relations Director Anthony Solana, Jr.

On June 2, our union filed a third statement by President Jaime in response to UC’s search for an injunction.

On June 3, PERB denied UC’s second request for an injunction and issued a complaint against UC, finding that there was a prima facie case that UC had committed the serious unfair labor practices that academic workers had alleged.

On June 4, UC filed for damages and injunctive relief in the Orange County Superior Court. Attempting to circumvent PERB in this fashion is almost unprecedented in California labor law.

On June 7, our union filed an opposition to UC’s filing, including an objection to declarations made by UC and a set of evidence in support of our claims. Later that day, an Orange County Superior Court judge granted a Temporary Restraining Order against strike activity.

On June 24, UC filed a set of documents in support of their request for injunctive relief from Orange County Superior Court, including a brief, a declaration by UC Santa Cruz Provost Lori Kletzer, objections to evidence filed by our union, and two proposed orders (on objections to evidence and on a preliminary injunction).

On June 25, UC agreed to withdraw its request for a preliminary injunction against all strike activity that could have remained in effect for the duration of our contracts. As part of the agreement, the Temporary Restraining Order remains in effect until June 30th.