2025 ASE Bargaining Priorities Platform

On November 16th and 17th, UAW 4811 members held the first-ever ASE Bargaining Convention to democratically set priorities for the 2025 ASE Bargaining Campaign. Over two days, hundreds of elected delegates from departments across the state discussed ASEs’ most pressing needs and coalesced around a set of priorities to improve the working conditions of every ASE

The ultimate product of the convention is meant to represent our broader goals, not specific bargaining proposals. They are meant to be a statement of what UAW 4811 members are committing to fight for collectively.

This bargaining platform reflects the unwavering commitment of 36,000 Academic Student Employees to improve equity and serve the public through research and education. Our labor is essential to making UC the country’s leading public university system, and better working conditions for ASEs will enhance and improve public higher education. 

In 2025, ASEs are fighting for…