What is the Contract Action Team (CAT)?
It takes all 36,000 Academic Student Employees (ASEs) working together to win a contract we deserve. In every department, lab, cohort, building, and teaching team, ASEs need to come together to shape our bargaining priorities and take action to improve our workplace rights. In order to build the mass, supermajority participation we need, ASEs across the UC system are joining the Contract Action Team (CAT) to make sure their coworkers stay informed and ready to win a strong contract.
What Do CATs Do?
Members of the Contract Action Team are committing to:
Publicly participate: attend bargaining sessions, wear union gear, and be a visible union supporter.
Keep others informed: talk to coworkers about bargaining, relay updates from our Bargaining Committee, answer questions, and address concerns
Mobilize coworkers: make sure colleagues know the stakes of this contract fight, are participating in shaping and ratifying bargaining priorities, and are standing together to put pressure on UC through rallies and other direct actions, — up to and including a strike if justified and necessary
Expand the CAT: identify coworkers who can do all of the above in their own lab, cohort, floor, teaching team, or other group of workers
How Do I Join the CAT (or Nominate Somebody Else)?
Anyone can nominate themself or a coworker to the CAT, and anyone nominated gets started on joining the CAT with a short training and onboarding. You should nominate a coworker who is respected by their colleagues or is the go-to person for questions about our union and contracts.
CAT Members
Max Buettner
GSR, Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
Christian Rhoads
GSI, Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
Tania Osorio Harp
GSI, Architecture
Ellie Penner
GSR, Art History
Korina Vlahos
GSI/GSR, Chemistry
Rahoul Banerjee Ghosh
GSI/GSR, Chemistry/Physics
Conor Broderick
GSR, Chemistry
Sohom Das
GSR, Chemistry/Physics
Daniel Chabeda
GSI, Chemistry
Liz Hazen
GSR, Chemistry
Kirya Miller
GSI/GSR, Chemistry
David Murillo
GSI/GSR, Chemistry
Elise Nicol
GSR, Chemistry
Cecille de Laurentis
GSI, City & Regional Planning
Ruby Kosewicz-Strickland
GSI/Reader, City & Regional Planning
Tvetene Carlson
GSR, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Anthony DeSalvo
GSR, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Caroline McCormack
GSR, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Richard Villagomez
GSI, Data Science
Luca Adorni
Reader, Economics
Marion Carr
Reader, Economics
Monica Essig Aberg
Reader, Economics
Yu-Ting Ho
GSI, Economics
Matthew Murillo
GSR, Economics
Katherine Hightower
GSR, Chemistry
Sebastián Puerta
GSI/GSR, Economics
Zimei Xia
Tutor, Economics
Serena Caraco
Jonah Bedouch
Undergraduate Course Staff, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Noemi Chulo
Undergraduate Course Staff, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Zoë Bell
GSR, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Gabe Classon
Undergraduate Course Staff, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Micah Murray
GSR, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Alyssa Smith
Undergraduate Course Staff, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Christopher Strong
GSR, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Aileen Wu
Undergraduate Course Staff, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Alana Ballagh
GSR, Energy and Resources Group
Lily Kirby
GSI, Energy and Resources Group
Sophie Pesek
GSR, Energy and Resources Group
Sunny Singhal
GSR, Energy and Resources Group
Gabrielle Canning
GSI, History
Yuhang Wu
GSI, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Rain Freeman-Moore
GSI, Law
Michael Guan
GSI, Law
Oton De Souza
GSI, Law
Ben Gelman
GSR, Political Science
Carsten Grove
Tutor, Law
Blue Miller
GSI, Law
Henry Nicholson
GSI, Law
Isaiah Paik
Tutor, Law
Cole Salton
GSI, Law
Henry Van Bemmel
Reader/Tutor, Law
Kari Zimmerman
GSR, Law
Tanzil Chowdhury
GSR/Reader, Materials Science and Engineering
Sydney Hemenway
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Luis Rangel DaCosta
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Reed Yalisove
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Eric Weiner
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
William Fisher
GSI, Math
Zakkai Goriely
GSI, Math/Logic
Raymond Guo
GSI, Math
Charley Hutchison
GSI, Math
Aidan Kelley
GSR, Math
John Nolan
GSI, Math
Iris Rosenblum-Sellers
GSI, Math
Tom Schang
GSI, Math
Spencer Schutz
GSR, Mechanical Engineering
Peter Toma
GSR, Mechanical Engineering
Ben Rose
GSR, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Claudia Medrano
GSR, Molecular and Cell Biology
Curtis Rumrill
GSI, Music
Eduardo Sandoval
GSR, Neuroscience
Sunjae Shim
GSR, Neuroscience
Alex Droster
GSR, Nuclear Engineering
Lulu Russell
GSR, Nuclear Engineering
Amanda Gunawan
GSR, Nutritional Science and Toxicology
Yuchen He
GSR, Nutritional Science and Toxicology
Kaitlyn Vitangcol
GSI, Nutritional Science and Toxicology
Eric Wei
GSI, Nutritional Science and Toxicology
Zeynep Burce Gumuslu
GSI, Philosophy
Susanna McGrew
GSI, Philosophy
Ahmed Abdalla
GSR, Physics
Burhan Ahmed
GSR, Physics
Albany Blackburn
GSR, Physics
Noelle Blose
GSI/GSR, Physics
Enzo Brandani
GSI, Physics
Sam D'Ambrosia
GSI, Physics
Abigail Derrico
GSR, Physics
Tucker Hwang
GSR, Physics
Bethany Suter
GSR, Physics
Eric Yu
GSI, Physics
Oded Ritov
GSR, Psychology
Elinor Simek
GSR, Public Health
Jenny Guarino
Tutor, Public Policy
Meredith Song
GSI, Public Policy
Danny Pham
GSI/GSR, Romance Languages and Literatures
David Kurkovskiy
GSI, Slavic Languages and Literatures
Jacob Champlin
GSR, Transportation Engineering / City and Regional Planning
Reem Almagati
GSR, Vision Science
Maxwell Greene
GSR, Vision Science
Stephanie Reeves
GSR, Vision Science
Ruby Kharod
GSR, Chemistry
Zachery Donnellan
GSR, Chemistry
Dalton Stanley
GSR, Chemistry
Mackinzie Farnell
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Calton Kong
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Jacob Sebastian
GSR, Nuclear Science
Willa Gibson
Tutor, AATC
Ben Rietmann
GSR, Agricultural and Resource Economics
Maykal Tsonov
TA, Animal Biology
Neo Bao
TA, Chemistry
Katie Chappell
TA, English
Ivey Wexler
TA, English
Emily Weintraut
TA, Food Science
Johanna Keigler
GSR, Food Science
Carolina Rios
GSR, Genetics
Arish Naim
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Caleb Farrow
GSI, Mathematics
Julia Finestone
TA/GSR, Microbiology
Anna Jo Muhich
GSR, Plant Sciences
Maria Rottersman
GSR, Plant Sciences
Gabrielle Wyatt
GSR, Plant Biology
Danielle De La Pascua
TA/GSR, Population Biology
Maia Southwick
TA, Psychology
Nora Wolf
TA/GSR, Psychology
Savannah Maw
GSR, Neuroscience
Yasmine Alam
GSR, Biological Chemistry
Sam Lassers
TA/GSR, Biomedical Engineering
Christian Andrade Herrera
GSR, Biomedical Engineering
Connor Seto
TA, Chemistry
Justin Chen
TA, Chemistry
Teresa Palacios Diaz
TA, Chemistry
Elise Smentek
TA/GSR, Chemistry
Maya El-Ajouz
GSR, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tess Hachey
TA/GSR, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Sarah Balaian
TA/GSR, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Azara Boschee
TA/GSR, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Pratyush Poduval
GSR, Computer Science
Nick Baron
TA, Computer Science
Joshua Munsey
Tutor, Computer Science
Ali Risheh
TA/GSR, Computer Science
Sydney Prange
TA/GSR, Developmental and Cell Biology
Emily Parise
TA, Drama
Julian Arnheim
GSR, Earth System Science
Lili Manzo
GSR, Earth System Science
Tia Chung-Swanson
TA/GSR, Earth System Science
Aislinn Fox
TA, Earth System Science
Ava McIlvaine
GSR, Earth System Science
Pritha Sengupta
TA, Education
Taryn Williams
GSR, Education
Lenny Korob
TA, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Julian Levine
TA, Education
Seth Van Doren
GSR, Education
Joseph Sweetnam
TA, English
Jamie Rawn
TA, English
Isabel Bartholomew
TA, English
Raphael Charrassin
GSR, Earth System Science
Alex Rudenshiold
TA, Film & Media Studies
Kien Le
TA, Film & Media Studies
Hanna Kawamoto
GSR, History
Mark K. Gradoni
TA/GSR, History/Iranian Studies
Novia Wong
TA/GSR, Informatics
Jordan Brown
GSR, Materials Science & Engineering
Marquez Balingit
GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Jessie Altieri
GSR, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Zahara Keulen
GSR, Neurobiology and Behavior
Rachel Torres
GSR, Philosophy
Rafael Umeda
GSR, Physics & Astronomy
Izzy Ginnett
GSR, Physics & Astronomy
Tyler Smith
GSR, Physics & Astronomy
Claire Rogers
TA, Physics & Astronomy
Savannah Plaskon
TA/GSR, Political Science
Michelle Ceballos
GSR, Sociology
Atalanta Copeman-Papas
TA, Sociology
Lee Purvey
TA, Visual Studies
Dada Wang
GSR, Visual Studies
Tiff Do
Tutor, Academic Advancement Program
Libbi Ponce
TA, Art
Rachel Glaser
GSR, Art History
Adam Monohon
TA, Art History
Qiushuo Wang
GSR, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Alyssa Arnheim
GSR, Bioengineering
Andrew Ramirez
TA/GSR, Bioengineering
Jon Mah
GSR, Bioinformatics
Arwen Cai
TA, Chemistry
Richard Liu
TA, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brett Hu
TA, Communication
Anny Viloria Winnett
TA/GSR, Community Health Sciences
Zheng Luo
GSR, Computer Science
Emerson Whittaker
GSR, Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Kaija Gahm
GSR, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Victor Li
TA, Economics
Jeffrey Aqua
TA, English
Claire Bekker
GSR, Environmental Health Sciences
Ellen von zur Muehlen
TA, European Languages and Transcultural Studies
Willow Coleman
GSR, Geography
Michael Wasney
GSR, Human Genetics
Garret May
TA/GSR, Materials Science and Engineering
Albert Baeumer
TA, Math
Maciej Gluchowski
TA/GSR, Math
Jon Hillery
TA, Math
Sam Qunell
TA/GSR, Math
Advika Rajapakse
TA/GSR, Math
Jas Singh
TA/GSR, Math
Ben Slater
TA, Math
Sina Nabiee
TA, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Samantha Herman
GSR, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Samantha Lannan
TA, Philosophy
Albert Countryman
TA, Physics
Zack Pine
GSR, Physics & Astronomy
Milan Mandigo-Stoba
GSR, Physics & Astronomy
Casey Li
GSR, Physics & Astronomy
Tanner Demaree
GSR, Psychology
Anthony Miceli
TA/GSR, Psychology
Kaia Sargent
GSR, Psychology
Steph Wert
GSR, Psychology
Claire Courtney
TA, Public Policy
Noura Alaboudi
TA, School of Theater, Film and Television
Arlo Hatcher
TA, Sociology
Jason Contino
TA/GSI, Sociology
Aya Konishi
TA/GSR, Sociology
Tony Osborne
GSR, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Leo Niehorster-Cook
TA, Cognitive and Information Sciences
Emilie Cobb
TA, Interdisciplinary Humanities
Metzli Montero
GSR, Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering
Mason Clark
Tutor, Physics
Ethan Custodio
TA, Physics
Sarina Rodriguez
TA, Public Health
Vanessa Sanchez
GSR, Quantitative Systems of Biology
Felicia Cruz-Fernandez
TA, Sociology
Faith Her
TA, Sociology
Andrew Martin
TA, Sociology
Carlo Acevedo
TA, Spanish
Amirhadi Shirzadibonab
TA, Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts
Shun Kobayashi
TA, Comparative Literature
Heeba Hartit
TA, Comparative Literature
Jordan Peck
TA, Computer Science
Sriradha Paul
TA, Dance
Adriana Rizzo
GSR, Earth and Planetary Science
Serafina Paladino
TA, English
Sylvie Hansen
TA, English
Rhiannon Rogers
TA, English
Eliana Buenrostro
TA, Ethnic Studies
Choki Gomez
TA, History
Sean Keenan
TA, History
Kevin Su
TA, Math
William Mol
GSR, Neuroscience
Sarah Gregory
TA, Philosophy
Elise Johnston
TA, Philosophy
Eric Zhang
GSR, Physics and Astronomy
Gregory Hutchins
TA/GSR, Political Science
Tyler Cohen
TA, Sociology
Vinz Madrigal
TA, Computer Engineering
Casey Carlile
GSR, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Julia Bebout
GSR, Biological Sciences
Laura Beebe
GSR, Biological Sciences
Neva Olliffe
GSR, Biological Sciences
Sarah van Dijk
GSR, Biomedical Sciences
Leigh-Ana Rossitto
GSR, Biomedical Sciences
Francis Galang
TA/GSR, Communication
Danea Palmer
GSR, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Nathaniel Roethler
GSR, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Olivia Seidel
TA, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Anna Skrip
GSR, Chemistry
Abigail Tripka
GSR, Chemistry
Cole Kurashige
GSR, Computer Science and Engineering
Deep Masanam
GSR, Computer Science and Engineering
Rishabh Ranjan
TA/GSR, Computer Science and Engineering
Udayan Tandon
TA/GSR, Computer Science and Engineering
Matin Yarmand
TA/GSR, Computer Science and Engineering
Zihao Zhou
GSR, Computer Science and Engineering
Sonata Simonaitis-Boyd
GSR, Data Science
Conan Minihan
GSR, Data Science
Hena Ahmed
GSR, Data Science
Gwenevere Frank
GSR, Electrical Engineering
Zida Jin
GSR, Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute
Allison Baker
TA/GSR, History
Nate Schwartz
TA, History
Evelia Zapién Ramos
GSR, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Toren D'Nelly-Warady
TA, Math
Casey Perdue
TA, Math
Sutanay Bhattacharya
TA, Math
Lizzy Teryoshin
Tutor, Math
Abhik Pal
TA, Math
Matteo Biscotti
GSR, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
Adam Hall
TA/GSR, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Sophie Haight
GSR, Physics
Kyle Kehrer
TA, Physics
Zach Brown
GSR, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sam Schulz
GSR, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Kenneth Ray
TA, Theatre and Dance
Zuzhi Jiang
GSR, Biochemistry
Riley Stockard
GSR, Bioengineering
Nicholas Freitas
GSR, Biophysics
Nikhil Gupta
GSR, Biophysics
Minh Le
GSR, Biophysics
Sean Myers
GSR, Biophysics
Leah Ragosta
GSR, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Maura McDonagh
GSR, Neurology
Ayush Midha
GSR, Tetrad
Landon Nguyen
GSR, Tetrad
David Sanchez Godinez
GSR, Tetrad
Katherine Consola
TA, Anthropology
Russell Nylen
TA, Anthropology
Ella Moore
TA, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
Alejandro Quevedo
GSR, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Alexander Abajian
TA, Economics
Vade Shah
TA/GSR, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rahul Singh
GSR, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Anam Mehta
TA, Global Studies
Victoria Albert
TA, History
Kristina Kelehan
TA, History
Elena Mailander
TA, History
Camilla Falancesca
TA, History
Cooper Bedin
TA, Linguistics
Montreal Benesch
TA, Linguistics
Evan Freeland
TA/GSR, Materials
Eliana Fuchs
GSR, Materials
Evan Raeker
GSR, Materials
Madeline Vailhe
GSR, Materials
Saul Sandoval
Reader, Math
Katherina Gontaryuk
TA, Philosophy
Evan Green
TA, Philosophy
Joaquin Becerra Espinoza
TA/GSR, Physics
Aled Cuda
TA/GSR, Physics
Alex Giovannone
GSR, Physics
Emma Hanlon
TA, Religious Studies
Sienna Parker
GSR, Technology Management
Trevor Silverstein
TA, Theater and Dance
Sara Sotelo
TA, Theater and Dance
Ariana Cisneros
GSR, Biomolecular Engineering
Jack Fox Keen
GSR, Computer Science and Engineering
Jessica Gagliardi
GSR, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Riley Collins
TA/GSR, Education
Summer Sullivan
TA/GSR, Environmental Studies
Jess Fournier
TA, Feminist Studies
alex cruse
TA, Film and Digital Media
Andrew Allio
TA, History
Tanvi Rupakula
TA, History
Mirra-Margarita Ianeva
TA/GSR, History of Art & Visual Culture
Will Parrish
TA, History of Consciousness
Rebecca Gross
TA, Literature
Wesley Viebahn
TA, Literature
Katherine Johnson-Rogers
TA, Literature
Melissa Mack
TA/GSR, Literature, Creative/Critical
Vidula Sonagra
TA, Music
Betsy Centeno
GSR/Tutor, Psychology